Thursday, October 31, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example In so much, the authors of this particular article present a well-balanced approach to the topic that is been exhaustively studied and analyzed by a variety of different scholars of the past decade. In determining the way in which future actions with regards to technology should take place, an understanding of the key relationship between the human and his/her prosthetic is a vital component which must be understood prior to any informed level of understanding or ideals concerning future dynamics taking place. Gentile, Douglas A., Sarah M. Coyne, and Francesco Bricolo. "Pathological Technology Addictions: What Is Scientifically Known And What Remains To Be Learned." The Oxford handbook of media psychology. 382-402. New York, NY US: Oxford University Press, 2013. PsycINFO. Web. 4 July 2013. ... c to individuals with genetic markers, the given research article promotes the understanding that a predisposition to technological addiction may exist within a certain subset of the society as well. This is an important understanding to integrate with due to the fact that the broad majority of the research which is been conducted on this particular topic seeks to approach the issue from something of a one dimensional aspect. However, once the researcher is able to delineate and understand the fact that not each and every individual within society will be impacted upon the same level with regards technological addiction, and more fair and balanced approach to understanding this particular topic is able to be engaged. Hodis, Monica A., and Gordon C. Bruner II. "Technology Addiction: An Exploratory Study Of The Negative Impact Of Technology On Consumer Welfare." Advances In Consumer Research 36.(2009): 840-842. Business Source Complete. Web. 4 July 2013. Although technological addictio n has an impact upon each and every aspect of an individual’s life, it is oftentimes the case that technological addiction, within the realm of scholarship and research is only understood through the context of psychology and/or sociology. Although true that these two aspects are perhaps the most important means of integrating an understanding of this particular topic, it should also be noted that key understandings and applicable approaches within the realm of business also exist. Within the early stages of technological proliferation within the world, but a few decades ago, marketers and businesses sought desperately to integrate with consumers via this new medium. However, this particular article discusses the means by which technological overdependence is not only harmful to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rules of high performance Essay Example for Free

Rules of high performance Essay This week our text discusses the definition of organizational behavior and in particular its applied focus, and our lecture focuses on high performance organizations (HPOs). Right at the intersection of those would be the â€Å"Ten Golden Rules of High Performance† listed below. What do you think should be added to the list? Is there anything on the list that you disagree with? Please support your opinion with evidence from our readings and also from your own work and life experience. Please also remember to respond to your classmates’ posts to stimulate further discussion. Ten Golden Rules of High Performance Organizational Dynamics The future of every organization is built around continuous development and improvement as most people are already aware however there are some who forget that one of the most valuable assets in a company are the people that are involved in every day operations. This includes every person no matter what position they might hold within the company whether its the president or service personnel. Each individual brings forward unique skill sets and abilities that can impact the development and direction of a company. Their individual development and well being are important considerations in any change in organizational dynamics. Many people still believe that businesses operate in an employers market though I would tend to disagree with that assessment, but not in the view that most people might have on the state of hiring even in tight markets. I tend to side with individuals like Laura Butler, Vice President of Talent Acquisition for TeleTech. While it is true that it has been more difficult than ever before for unemployed individuals employers are also scrambling to find qualified personnel and even after finding those candidates hanging on to qualified personnel is a difficult task. If you are an employee you are concerned with your individual perspective and effects change have on your personal stability, which is an important consideration in future change initiatives as companies work to maintain a competitive edge in shrinking markets. In order to ensure that a company can sustain itself now and in the future it must be prepared to invest in its workforce. That includes continuing education and employee retention as well as a big picture view of future operations. I personally like to pull a page from Googles philosophy on operation and continued  development as listed below. 1. Hire by Committee Make sure your new recruits talk to their future colleagues I believe that this is an important part of continued organizational development. Ensuring that new hires and existing members of your team and workforce can work well together will ensure that the projects they work on can be performed efficiently and quickly. It is important to remember that the moral and performance of your workforce hinges on the way in which team members communicate and interact. This includes 2. Cater to their every need Make sure it is, not hard, for them to perform Making sure that your employees have the tools and resources they need to perform jobs also ensures that they meet your expectations. If you fail to manage resources effectively operations can quickly grind to a halt and your employees morale will quickly slip as they fail to meet not only your expectations of performance but their own. Building an environment that fosters individual growth can bring forward a variety of unexpected opportunities in the continued growth of an organization and a workforce. 3. Pack them in put people to work close to one another This is certainly a debatable concept but the general idea is that having individuals within reach of each other ensures more effective communication. While it is true that electronic communication systems like email and instant messaging systems can help to unify a large and expansive workforce there is no real substitute for person to person interactions. Electronic messaging systems do not accurately convey the emotional context nor the associated body language the accompanies it. These components of communication can provide an individual with important insights into the true direction and meaning of the information being presented. 4. Make coordination easy use technology to keep people talking together This ties back into packing people together, large organizations need to effectively communicate important information among themselves. This includes email communication, shared calendaring systems, CRM, ERP and highly functional intranet systems that are both internally and externally accessible. Having on-demand access to this information on the go allows your workforce to be  better prepared for change and unexpected shifts in project development. 5. Eat your own dog food make use of company products This is another important one, make sure that the products you sell and produce are also available and in use by your workforce. This is an effective method of quality control, no one wants to purchase or use products of poor quality and your workforce is the same. If you make your products easily accessible to them they will ensure that the products they purchase and actively use or of a quality that meets or exceeds their own expectations. 6. Encourage creativity allow freedom to come up with new ideas Environments that stifle innovation and creativity often lose their ability to maintain a competitive edge in todays rapidly changing business environment. Organizations that allow their employees to provide feedback on processes and bring forward new ideas often achieve higher performance standards, higher workforce productivity, and again often find new and unexpected opportunities emerge for the company. Creativity extends into many areas of development including product development, process modification, and more. 7. Strive for consensus remember many are better than the few Strive to move forward as a group rather than individually, ensuring that everyone from the bottom up is on the same page with what we want to achieve is important. Making changes on your own without the input or approval of those who would implement those changes often result in failure. Almost 80% of all change initiatives fail because the people who were meant to implement those changes did not understand, support, or see a reason to implement the change. 8. Dont be evil live tolerance and respect This is one of the tougher aspects of normal operation, this extends into ethical behavior as well as how your business interacts with the community it is in. Its important to remember that a business is much like living and breathing person and the impact it can have on local as well as regional communities can reach quite far. How your company represents itself also reflects how your workforce represents itself, no one really wants to be part of something no one likes even if there are great incentives. 9. Data  drive decisions do analysis and stay on track This comes back to using electronic systems effectively, while in most cases I tend to focus more in qualitative information it is important to track performance quantitatively so that changes in performance can be reported effectively. There are many easy to use systems that will allow you to follow workforce readiness, project performance, financial performance and a range of other pieces of information that can contribute to making informed decisions both in the present as well as for the future. Whether its decision trees, spreadsheets, or custom DBM systems they all have a role to play into the development of a feature rich intranet and ERP system. 10. Communicate effectively hold many stay-in-touch meetings One of the most important things you can do in attempting to implement change or in managing continued development is to ensure that everyone is heard, whether its lowest man on the totem pole or the president of the company. Meetings both physical and virtual allow individuals to provide feedback on the assessments you make as well as provide direction for future developments. There many different ways to communicate today, far more than there were in history, including teleconferencing, video chat, email, instant messaging, social media, and more.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Malaysia

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Malaysia Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) implied that the firms consideration of, and response to, issues beyond the narrow economic, technical and legal requirements of the firm and to accomplish social benefits along with the traditional economic gains which the firms seek.(Husted 2003). The inception and framework of CSR was first created by the European Union in promoting the CSR to the environment and society that is related to business. European Commission (2001) defined CSR as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis that by developing awareness and responsibility that leads to enhance the success of the business. CSR implementation can be divided in two areas which are Internal and external. In internal area, CSR practices basically deals with the people that are related to the business internally such as employees and any other issues that is involved to the management of the production and resources such as safety environment and health assurance in investing in human capital. On the other hand, in external area, the socially responsibilities involved a large range of stakeholders to the company business such as suppliers, customers, government and shareholders. CSR is defined as open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for the community, employees, the environment, shareholders and other stakeholders. It is designed to deliver sustainable value to society at large. CSR supports Triple Bottom Line reporting which emphasizes the economic, social and environmental bottom-line wellness. CSR goes beyond compliance to laws. And we wish to emphasizes this. It is important to avoid a legalistic way of thinking when considering CSR. There is no universal approach to CSR. Companies are free to adopt what suits them. However there are some basic concepts that cut across all definitions and these should be considered in crafting a companys CSR vision. CSR is not about compliance or philanthropy or public relations. It often involves cultural transformation in a company as it integrates CSR concepts into its operations and decision making. Vitally, CSR involves communicating the companys actions to its stakeho lders and encouraging their feedback. Only in this way can a company have a dynamic and relevant CSR vision. Literature Review In Malaysia, the disclosure of CSR on annual report is voluntary. The choice of social issues disclosed tends to reflect the Malaysian Governments priority or the particular obligations which companies have. Corporate Social Disclosure (CSD) may have the potential to strengthen stakeholder relationships as reporting promotes corporate transparency and instills greater confidence and trust amongst stakeholders. CSD represents an additional channel for engaging stakeholders in a dialogue, and it enables companies to identify and address key issues of concern to their stakeholders. CSR disclosure has been the subject of substantial academic accounting research (Farook and Lanis 2005; Gray, Owen and Maunders 1987), however, while there has been research relating to annual reports in general, little has been undertaken focusing on CSR disclosure by PLCs, which can influence many people in society, view their social responsibility, and if indeed they discharge their social accountability b y voluntarily disclosing CSR information (Gray, Kouhy and Lavers 1995). Announcement of YAB Prime Ministers Budget 2007 has stated the requirement for all Public Listed Company (PLC) to disclose any CSR activities in the Company Annual Report and to adopt and manage the CSR activities in their own business practices. There is also stated the Bursa Malaysias CSR framework for PLCs guideline in promoting CSR practices. Bursa Malaysia CSR framework has outlined 3 critical elements in CSR practice. The first element is the establishment framework created from the national policies and aspirations, so that the establishment of CSR is towards to national goals and objectives. The second element is the flexibility of the disclosure framework. PLCs are required to disclose CSR statement in the company annual report. The framework gives opportunity to PLCs to practice CSR in their own creativity and action as they manage the best action for the company. Lastly, this framework is not just a step by step prescription but it is a guideline for the PLCs in promoting CSR practices. This is important for the company to establish efficient CSR practices and policies. Every PLCs need to create their own creative and effective CSR practices relevance to the framework guidelines. The Bursa Malaysia CSR Framework looks at 4 main focal areas for CSR practice. They are the environment, the workplace, the community and the marketplace, in no order of priority. In the environment area, CSR focus on a variety of issues such as the use of energy on how the company allocates its usage effectively and to reduce any damages that can adverse effect to environment. In the community area, the relation of the company and the community is a two way communication. For example supporting employee involvement in community issues enriches the community and the company. Companies can be creative in looking at how they can contribute to children, youth development and the under-privileged. The opportunities for company interaction with the community are vast. In the marketplace area, the important stakeholders such as shareholders, suppliers, and customers can be identified so that companies can interact responsibly with this group in a number of ways, such as raising the standar ds of Corporate Governance within the company so that it meets shareholder expectations is a further consideration. Lastly, is in the workplace area. Employees are drawn from society and so everything that related to staff needs to be socially responsible, whether we are dealing with basic human rights or gender issues. A quality work environment and health safety are obvious considerations in inculcating in the employees and the values which the company holds dear if the CSR is practiced in that company. A company should focus on areas such as economic, environmental and social when developing sustainability strategy (Szekely Knirsch 2005). Sustainability strategy development can be based on legitimacy, economic and social theories. These theories explain social disclosures pattern by organizations (Haniffa Cooke 2005) and thus, practicing of CSR. Legitimacy theory is whereby corporate social disclosures were motivated by the corporate need to legitimize activities (Hogner 1982). This is where corporate management will react to community expectations (Guthrie Parker, 1989). Thus, companies are expected to carry out activities that are acceptable by the community. Corporate social disclosure can be used to appease some of the concerns of the relevant publics and also as a proactive legitimation strategy to obtain continued inflows of capital and to please ethical investors (Haniffa Cooke 2005). Second, economic theory reflects the degree of association of CSR and financial perform ance by taking consideration of cost-related advantages, market advantages and reputation advantages (Chamhuri Wan Noramelia 2004). In the business, CSR is concerned with employment, lifelong learning, consultation and participation of workers, equal opportunities and integration of people towards restructuring and industrial change to promote quality and diversity in the workplace and health and safety strategy. Lastly, the social issues include the benefits offered in terms of training related to safety, health and environment, donations, education scheme, medical benefits and others. (Chamhuri Wan Noramelia 2004). Environmental issues emphasize on preserving and conserving natural resources such as conducting recycling activities, water and process treatment and compliance with authority regulations and requirements. Many enterprises recognized the importance of their responsibilities towards the environment and take them seriously by setting targets for continually improving t heir performance while ensuring the compliance with all relevant legislation. Organizations also have a range of impacts on the communities within which they operate and in at least some measures, disclosed these issues in their own CSR reports and information. CSR social activities may include charitable contributions to local and national organizations such as fundraising, donations and gifts in areas where it trades and others like regeneration of deprived communities, reclamation of derelict land and creation of new regeneration jobs. Development of strategies and programs on social and environmental issues enabled firms to gain close relationship with community. Firms could take initiatives by conducting campaigns, seminars, workshops and giving donation to the society. This way enables a company to meet its CSR commitment and indirectly acts as a marketing and promotional strategy. As the result, higher market share can be obtained, which lead to higher revenues from larger sales. Policies, strategies and programs that are associated with social activities can be used to indicate the level of CSRs commitment of an organization. Organizations too, need to meet the customers demand and expectations. As to maintain good relationship and attract more customers, enterprises are taking initiatives to fulfill the demand of providing such information. For instance, eco-labeling is a way of communicating organizations social responsibility to public. Besides, CSR is also concerned with employment, equal opportunities and integration of people towards restructuring and industrial change. Employees who feel protected and appreciated will increase their productivity in production and thus, achieving economies of scale. Comparable in CSR Perspective of KFC Holdings (M) Bhd PJ Development Holdings Bhd KFC Holdings (M) Bhd KFC Holdings take into account the priority of CSR by continuing put a great emphasis on conducting business in a responsible and ethical way. From improvement on their products and services to helping the communities in which they operate, they continue to seek out ways to enrich the responsibility to their stakeholders. In ways of strengthening local communities, promoting equal opportunities in the workplace, developing human capital, enhancing customers experience and improving the lives around the company. The Board and management at KFCH will continue to adhere to the values of responsibility, integrity and compassion in all areas of our business. In doing so, they are determined to make a positive contribution to society while building confidence and goodwill among stakeholders. To achieve this they adhere to wide-ranging Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs spread out over six pillars. These are, to champion the Halal cause, to improve educational standards, to encourage entrepreneurial development, to promote a healthy lifestyle, to foster a sense of national unity, and to help the less fortunate. KFCH has disclosed their CSR activities in Annual Report 2009 by following the 4 main local area as stated by Bursa Malaysias CSR Frameworks. The first area is community. KFCH remains committed towards giving, whenever the opportunity arises, to anyone in need of a helping hand and recently, KFCH proposed the incorporation of Yayasan Amal Bistari, a corporate foundation which will be the means through which CSR activities, endeavours and programmes of all KFCH entities and brands are carried out. Projek penyayang is held by giving KFC to the less fortunate, the elderly and orphans throughout Malaysia, every quarter of the year. KFCH also held Walk For Charity and giving aid where needed in support of Hunger Relief 2009. KFCH, Johor Corporation and Bistari young entrepreneur Sdn Bhd (Bye), the developers and marketeers of Catur Bistari, signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that will allow KFC to sell the Cilik Bistari board game, a simplified version of Catur Bistari for younger children, at all its outlets. The KFC sailing team raced alongside other competitors at every regatta organized by the Malaysian yacht Associatio n. Elsewhere, KFC futsal teams competed with the best in the JKing Futsal Challenge Johor 2009, as well as i-Futsal championship organized by Harian Metro. KFC also involved with International Kite Festival in Pasir Gudang, Johor and Bintulu, Sarawak. KFCH also held Annual Buka Puasa session at Ayamas Port Klang in 2009 and saw a turnout of over 2,500 employees and were joined by 400 orphans who received goodie bags and food from KFC and RasaMas. KFCH had the privilege of sponsoring two episodes of Tijarah Ramadhan, a television program dedicated to featuring companies which donate to the underprivileged. Second area is marketplace. KFCH interacts and communicate with customers, suppliers, governmental and non-governmental bodies and observe how corporate initiatives and products affect the communities and the environment. Marketplace CSR initiatives include programs towards improving Halal standards and building future entrepreneurs. KFCH participated in the World Halal Forum, which participation was in the form of sponsorship and product showcase. KFCH once again participated in Malaysias largest food and beverage exhibition and the worlds largest international Halal trade fair by setting up a booth and promoting Halal certified products and services to the thousands of visitors from all over the world. KFCH also participate in Halal Food Standards Realisation (Hafstar) event organized throughout the country to promote Malaysian Halal Standards and to regularise and discuss the standard procedures of handling, processing and storing of food based on Shariah and Malaysian Standards. The Gerak Usahawan Siswa initiative was undertaken in the hope of imparting an interest in business and entrepreneur development amongst university students. The Group collaborates with the Bistari Young Entrepreneur Sdn Bhd in mentorship programmes and educational lectures that help develop young Malaysian entrepreneurial talents. This includes the Tunas Bistari, Didik Bistari and Siswa Bistari Entrepreneur Programmes. The third area is workplace. KFCH has more than 18,000 employees go to work every day striving to be the best in the business. KFCH implement varios of activities to create individuals who are the best-in-class in their awareness, capability, proficiency and drive for success. KFCH implement Pedoman 2009, the annual event to appreciate their employees loyalty and effort. The one day event was attended by all Restaurant Managers from KFC, Pizza Hut, RasaMas and Kedai Ayamas, as well as support staff from all over the country. KFC and Pizza Hut organized the National Champs Challenge in Kuala Lumpur with the best of the best from Restaurant Managers and staff coming together to play off intensely in the final rounds, competing to emerge as National Champions and represent Malaysia at the Regional Champs Challenge. KFCH also carried out the Management Associated Program to recruit new graduates who have now become part of our permanent staff. KFCH also held annual Hari Mekar competition as teams from throughout the Group battled it out in various categories in an effort to be crowned the Overall Champions. The winners then represented KFCH at the Grand Finals of Hari Mekar organised by Johor. The last area is the environment. KFCH conscious of the responsibility towards the environment and as such have taken steps to understand and minimize the impact of ther business on the environment without compromising operational standards or shareholder value. A major environmental challenge that has been undertaken continues to be in the area of waste water management. This waste water management measure has been undertaken by KFCH plants that have problems with waste water such as Ayamas Port Klang, Ayamas Bandar Tenggara, Johor, Bakery Outlet at Kompleks KFC Glenmarie and Region Food Industries. These KFC plants and outlets have been treats the final discharge waste water in compliance with the DOE Standard for discharge. KFCH also agreed with proposed treatment process will use the Biological Treatment System, which uses a UASB (Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed) and AICAR (Alternative Intermittent Cyclic Reactor) and also using a chemical and bio treatment continuous processor, the plant treats 250 cubic meters per day. PJ Development Holdings Bhd On the other hand, PJHD outlined the CSR events in their annual report 2009. These CSR activities are Bukit Bintang Central Gotong Royong, Charity Christmas Carolers, Charity Outreach Project to Trinity Childrens Centre, Christmas Cheer with House of Joy, Beach Gotong Royong, Mooncake Festival Celebration, Earth Day, Turtle Conservation Week, PJD Green the Day, PJD Kids, Tree Planting, Charity Buka Puasa, Blood Donation Drives and Provision of Garbage Compactor Recycle Bins. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities for PJD Group have become more focused in the last financial year under review. PJDH efforts in becoming a more responsible corporate citizen have led us to contribute more towards the well-being of the community surrounding us. In community area, PJDH held activities such as outings and festive cheers with orphanages continue to be on each of our divisions CSR agenda. On a Group basis, they organized an outing with 4 orphanages, namely the Sinthamani Divine Life Ashram, Rumah Amal Baitul Kasih, Lifesprings Childrens Welfare Home and Good Samaritan Home and other charity drives raising over RM40,000. In workplace area, the Group also organized several Blood Donation Drives throughout all its office locations nationwide. The blood donation drives conducted at our head office, branches, factory and hotels were well participated by employees, friends and public alike and that will be a regular activity on PDH CSR agenda. In environment are, the Group still maintains its CSR programs to protect the environment such as provision of garbage and recycle bins, recycling rain water, recycling excess concrete in our construction sites and championing the localized version of the United Nations Local Agenda 21 Waste Management Project within the Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur area and Green Tree Planting Day. PJD Group now has an internal CSR portal where all CSR activities are shared amongst all office locations. Given the fantastic response, this portal has proven its role in encouraging employees to contribute ideas toward developing initiatives that benefit the Group and its stakeholders in line with our CSR slogan, Together We Build a Brighter Future. Conclusion Both of the company fulfilled the CSRs frameworks as stated by the Bursa Malaysia which are the environment, the workplace, the community and the marketplace except for PJDH that did not disclosed any marketplace area of CSR

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Argument for Celibacy Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Argument E

The Argument for Celibacy    How could someone explain America’s loosening view of sexual intercourse over recent decades? Have our moral standards changed so much that they now accept or even encourage frequent sex? Is it just a method of rebellion as people attempt to fight conservative societal views? Perhaps we just wish to fight those who instill inhibitive ideas on us, and our forms of freedom – in this case, that of our bodies. Has American media’s desire for revenue and profit caused an increased sway towards what was previously deemed inappropriate? Thomas Jefferson even once said that â€Å"man is an imitative animal†. Is America just experiencing a spontaneous hormone rush? Is it possible for a society to experience its own version of puberty? Or has America just always been horny and never shown it? After all, the 70-year-old chick from The Wedding Singer screwed the modern equivalent of 200 men before she got married, didn’t she? One can speculate on these ideas, probably others as well, and not really get anywhere. They’ve all contributed to modern attitudes towards sex. But beneath all the sexual innuendos of American entertainment, the social standards of acceptance based on sexual practices, and all of the Saturday night hoopla over who’s going to get laid first and how many beers it will take, there is a subtle current of those who look in the other direction. Imagine this – some people are actually happy without getting any. You can reread that last sentence if you have to. That’s why it’s there. Not all people consider it a priority to do push-ups the hard way every weekend. In fact, some consider it a priority not to. These people are celibates, and they’re not ashamed to admit it. They’re proud... ...any man-made laws, there is a strong value in preserving one’s virginity until marriage. But again, in our country, adhering to these principles is a matter of choice. Most choose not to, and find many forms of sex to be part of our culture, and completely acceptable to engage in. Some do not view it as such. While the celibate may not make his virginal state well-known, the values that influence its holding remain true and steadfast in his life, regardless of cultural and social change. Celibates are often ridiculed for not following societal views or conforming to popular culture. Anyone can argue as to whether or not these aspects of life are acceptable, but next time you think of a celibate in a ridiculing manner, ask yourself if you would have the courage and the integrity of one. Then try ridiculing. It could prove much harder than getting someone in the sack.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Creating a Process-Driven Organization at AgCredit Essay

AgCredit, The MidWest Agriculture Credit and Loan Company is a midsize financial institution which concentrates on agribusiness. Over the past few years there is a significant growth in business and plays its own role by competing with other larger banks. â€Å"Even though AgCredit had an extensive customer knowledge, the process and customers were taxed to the hilt due to the lack of better technological system†, said Jim Finney, CEO of AgCredit. (McKeen & Smith, 2012). He proposed to get some better technology to overcome the present in a meeting. Then everyone over there started pointing the drawbacks of IT. Steve Stewart, COO of company moans that IT’s is mess and whenever he assign any task then they simply escape from the situation by saying a reason. Paul Manley, the senior vice president of e-business, agreed. He added that IT sysyem is completely broken and he wouldn’t ask them to solve our business problems. The others chimed in with all of their views as project delays, customer complaints, bad information and IT staff, who did not have a clear knowledge on business. So Kate Longair, who works in Enterprise Integration Program (EIP) for AgCredit assigned responsibility of making out the integration of the system in a best way. (McKeen & Smith, 2012). After three months of rigorous work for Kate and her team, she came up with a twenty foot long diagram of total system in the company and the processes. she explained to Finney that all people recognized what exactly they planned to do in addition to exactly how it will add benefit to the business, however no one understood exactly how their particular small business method would fit with all people else’s to deliver enterprise benefit. Next we all realized had been that we did not comprehend our organization procedures in addition to that they worked with each other. (McKeen & Smith, 2012). Presently there happened a lot of money associated with hardships within the current framework. It’s prepared within basement and also the 4 unique organization dividers associated with AgCredit posse’s impartial IT strategies and also the programs that are not really unsuited along with additional business strategies. Sometimes the actual promises concerning freelancing had been wrong. The organization is within lacking IT  supervisors along with great specialized understanding in a number of specific areas. You can also find accusations concerning task obstacle, terrible information as well as customer critique as well as supervisory recruiting. To be able to solve these types of problems, The organization offers hired a specialist as well as she forecasted an answer known as Support focused structures (SOA). The organization happens to be analyzing in the event that SOA would be the best strategy within solving their own problems. (McKeen & Smith, 2012). Key Concer ns The actual company’s professionals are extremely hectic along with daily procedures as well as brand new endeavors. IT proficiency offers ended up with time and also the framework had been in no way aimed along with organizational goals. Even though some backend tinkering offers created organization broad info obtainable in some instances, the present techniques are not suitable as well as conversation in between all of them is actually bad. IT doesn’t possess trustworthiness inside the outlines associated with company. This can be a understand disadvantage and you will be tackled within the reorganization of IT. Company procedures are not recognized because of IT personnel and frequently the company by itself does not have a comprehensive gasp on the procedures. The actual interconnections from the procedures tend to be not clear in order to each attributes from the business additionally. The actual sections don’t realize their own part inside the business plus they should work out how they ought to assistance the actual business. Aiming their own person objectives along with proper reps will have to be achieved. You will find four company sections inside AgCredit. The actual company’s proper reps tend to be constant development, area associated with client associations, capability to save money period using the clients, capability to cross-sell providers, and supply a regular encounter towards the client. The CIO placement was made in order to line up IT and also the company and also to guide the actual IT change. The new CIO offers operate an effective marketing campaign along with e-business as well as involves the positioning along with clean eye, however deficiencies in official specialized encounter. He is comfortable in making use of companies as well as consuming several factors associated with look at. Absolutely no IT governance or even structures happens to be in position. Instead the  divisional framework offers been around as well as business vision is actually short. IT choices are created to satisfy short-term requirements as well as endeavors. IT perform can be considered the assistance support for that company. A few of the IT staffing problems tend to be: reduced well-being, higher work ambiguity, unqualified personnel filling up jobs, specialized abilities without a few places, absolutely no older IT supervisor jobs, and several bare work functions. A part of retooling the actual IT structures should be in order to straighten out these types of staffing requirements. A good application-centric mindset guidelines the organization. It’s resulted in four individual directories, one for each department, as well as large information untidiness as well as redundancy. A good SOA strategy may be advised depending on organizational requirements, in order to change IT. Individuals requirements consist of adding systems as well as systems without having alternative. Vendor options must be simplified as well as a good authorization procedure set up supported along with delivery metrics as well as procedures The following actions is going to be bringing together the client information as well as conditioning its basis. Just one group of client info may be the expectancy which will even assist construct believe in as well as trustworthiness towards IT, inside the business. Managing IT as a Business In the past, IT been among the minimum recognized expenses as well as probably the most mismanaged regions of numerous company. Failure in order to meld IT businesses, techniques, as well as technologies and also to straight link these types of towards the corporation’s proper company drivers to create outcomes is among the major explanations why big, complicated mergers or even acquisitions frequently fail to provide on the guaranteed synergies. In the event that technologies would be to satisfy its guarantee and supply obtain the benefit to some company, two main modifications should happen: The actual IT business should be handled as well as brought in a expert method, such as any kind of big company device, along with consideration in order to focal points, individuals as well as overall performance. The connection in between IT customers through the company and also the IT business should alter. IT customers should realize that the corporation’s capability to supply IT is not limitless. Such as  other things, IT is sure through guidelines associated with provide, need, as well as price. Only if customers from it through the company tend to be pressured in order to â€Å"pay† for this, possibly clearly via some kind of transfer prices or even more frequently implicitly via tradeoffs within additional business spending budget collection products, may learn to make use of very carefully as well as actively. (Lutchen, 2004) The following image represents the role of IT unit in business. The mid section represents the practical execution of IT as a business. (Lutchen, 2004). The reason behind IT organizations Figure1: Lutchen, M. (2004). Managing IT As a Business : A Survival Guide for CEOs. Hoboken, N.J.:J.Wiley and CIOs fail is due to lack of deliver value to the business. It is their inability to concentrate sufficient amount on the middle section of the above figure 1. IT and business are really an essential point to enhance the worthiness associated with company because of IT opportunities. To achieve the actual objectives and missions of the business you will find six crucial features Organization need to look at the IT like a technical device to convert them into business. What this means is obtaining acquainted with the company they are dealing. Customer significance as well as client satisfaction should be thought about like a earlier point making income towards the organization. IT repetitions as well as people should have the knowledge as well as understanding of one another benefits, so the scenario won’t guide right into chaos. Organization should have particular as well as clear objectives that leads to attain a typical objective. These two organizations ought to realize the organization revenue as well as reduction methods. (Nelson and Alok, 2013) Organization culture ought to be taken care of inside a comprehensive as well as lively method. These people work collaboratively and cope with the organization income instead of their very own sections. Along with today’s competing world, businesses tend to be coping with  numerous issues. So that you can match up these kinds of problems, organizations consist of constantly acquired assistance of the IT to have success together with generating revenue. Many organizations today count on IT to know the enterprise value. It could possibly in essence form of just how enterprise can be completed in addition to empower the technique plan. Enterprise must fully grasp that it is not optional, nevertheless crucial to the actual accomplishment from the enterprise. In addition to the many procedures, typically firms will have the knowledge about their drawbacks among all of them and it and this also insufficient equilibrium causes an important effect on organization’s power to receive the majority of out of it is resources. Doing work collaboratively, organization and IT could make work extra handy, collection arranged with coordinative-based conduct happen. The IT in the commercial is needed created for technical pattern, investigation, facts investigation and also arranged starting. While IT provides strengths towards messing around with reality, company, without appropriate collaboration involving them, and that is not possible inside the reality. (Tapscott, Don.,1996) The bond between IT and as well business is generally documented being excellent, amiable and as well productive not until both equally try to understand methods and also goal business practice that may impact several variables as an customer satisfaction and pleasure, quality about solution as well as cost. IT must deliver innovative advancements that can be used because of the business, which will aid these to generate and in addition develop fresh constructions, strengthening most of these to regulate their particular workouts in ways that are not possible to doable. These enhancements in future may lead as an additional strength. The IT need to offer new alternatives by means of greater technical know-how to help come up with the latest advancement also to help to improve business practice basically, enterprise actually have to offer IT to help socialize in all of the their very own exercises that it can take a look at with regards to just what company is generally planning on by with it. The relationship among enterprise and also it will guide either of those to further improve the business ability not just within their technical areas but additionally within non-technical, for example difficult task producing,  advertising, buyer interactions or anything else. It should typically make possible substantially richer operations with regards to quality. (Thakur, G.C.,1996) IT running a business taken out a lot of problems previously. They are considered as some sort of two pieces doing the job collaboratively to generate the idea to be a superior company. This are invariably good for understand what exactly company needs and in addition it must develop with regard to earnings as well as accomplishments rather than people working in taken care of parts. Designed for receiving beneficial teamwork, every single person in the specific team must create numerous features. It may help decide much better company features as well as help agencies to complete diverse ambitions as well as improving features. Different database need to be maintained at the moment as well as upcoming features relating to company. (Shank, John K. & Govindarajan, Vijay.,1993) Project Implementation: Process functioning class should primarily perform comprehensive research in relation to the progressions, the sustaining techniques, present projects carried out from the business plus the technological innovation they are applying at present. The organization ought to subsequently make a floor program that is certainly linked to the targets with the business through using clear technological innovation benefits. Later the job class really should concentrate on involving IT crucial program that is certainly in addition to the actual association’s detailed crucial program. The main element targets should be primarily acknowledged so that these people go progress as well as make a spirited border. Then work class really should carry out an enterprise field research this can easily classify the business enterprise progressions which have been captious for the enterprise as well as generate a technique which could effectively earnings the majority by using it. (Schwalbe, 2013) Service Oriented Architecture According to â€Å"Hao He†, â€Å"SOA is an architectural style whose goal is to achieve loose coupling among interacting software agents. A service is a unit of work done by a service provider to achieve desired end results for a  service consumer. Both provider and consumer are roles played by software agents on behalf of their owners.† (He, 2003) The primary problems associated with SOA execution tend to be issues within creating effective decision structures, creating a SOA roadmap, controlling as well as governing services, determining providers as well as insufficient support financing as well as insufficient constant governance procedures. To deal with these types of problems, businesses need a thorough SOA governance construction that may be used within an iterative method. (Hojaji, F., & Shirazi, M., 2012) According to â€Å"Hojaji & Shirazi†, there are five key points for developing a SOA governance frame work. There are five activities to follow. They are:  Problem Identification: we stipulate the actual specific domain, as well as justify the worthiness of the answer. In line with the issue range, we determine the primary needs, problems as well as implicationss associated with SOA adoption as well as suggest some SOA governance components.. Define the Objectives of a new Solution: All of us evaluate a few of the current SOA governance construction by way of the literature review to locate their own pros and cons. This particular evaluation specifies the style technique for creating a brand new SOA governance construction. Design and Development: We stipulate a new frame work as well as existing the universal conceptual design along with a procedure design in order to state the actual special functions as well as primary aspects of the actual suggested construction. Demonstration: With regard to demo from the created construction, all of us utilize the brand new construction within an IT division. Additionally, we create an in depth execution procedure close to the construction to show it’s utility. Evaluation: We examine the framework by looking at its capabilities and evaluating the fitness of SOA governance elements. Also, it is analyzed with a qualitative model.†(Hojaji, F., & Shirazi, M., 2012) Because of  increasingly more businesses proceed towards applying support focused structures, Table 1: Hojaji, F., & Shirazi, M. (2012). A DESIGN SCIENCE APPROACH TO DEVELOP A NEW COMPREHENSIVE SOA GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. International Journal Of Managing Information Technology, 4(3), 33-53. doi:10.5121/ijmit.2012.4304 they have to use choose decision providers as well as system managers with regard to success and recognizing the actual advantages of SOA. Within changeover in order to SOA, businesses encounter a number of problems for example issues within creating a highly effective choice framework, controlling as well as regulating providers as well as insufficient constant governance procedures. Consequently, to deal with these types of problems as well as accomplish SOA advantages, businesses need deployment of the properly comprehensive SOA governance design that may be used within an iterative as well as incremental method. The above table represents the SOA challenges and related to SOA governance elements. (Hojaji, F., & Shirazi, M., 2012) The activities of service oriented modeling is represented in the below table. This shows the activities that are typically conducted by each of the roles of provider and consumer. Note that the provider’s activities are a superset of the consumer s activities. (Arsanjani, 2004) Table 1: Arsanjani, A. (2004). Service-oriented modeling and architecture . Retrieved from IBM: IT Governance  IT governance primary goal is defined as â€Å"to assure that the investments in IT generate business value, and to mitigate the risks that are associated with IT†. This can be done by implementing an organizational structure with well-defined roles for the responsibility of information, business processes, applications and infrastructure. (BriseBois, 2012) IT governance ought to be seen as how IT generates benefit that will satisfies into your entire Business Governance Strategy in the enterprise, rather than make sure being a self-control without attention. Within getting that technique, just about all stakeholders can be necessary to participate in your choice making course of action. This generates the discussed acceptance involving  accountability intended for essential devices in addition to makes sure that IT connected selections are created in addition to motivated because of the company and not vice versa. There are nine principles of IT governance which plays an active role in a company. (Ross, 2004) Actively Design Governance: A lot of enterprises include made disparate IT governance parts. These kinds of uncoordinated system â€Å"silos† result from governance simply by default—introducing parts one by one to handle a selected need. Patching up problems since they crop up is often a preventive method that boundaries options pertaining to strategic impact from IT. Rather, management really should make an effort to design IT governance across the enterprise’s ambitions and functionality aims. Make an effort to planning governance will involve senior management getting the steer and allocating resources, interest, and service for the practice. For a few enterprises, this is initially IT governance is actually clearly created. Generally you’ll find fully developed company governance as a beginner. Know When to Redesign: Rethinking the full governance structure calls for individuals understand new tasks and relationships. Learning normally takes time. So, governance renovate must be sporadic. The suggestion can be made that a modification within governance is needed when that has a modify within desirable actions. Involve senior managers: companies with increased successful IT governance have additional senior administration effort. CIOs have to be successfully associated with IT governance for achievement. Other senior professionals must participate in the actual committees, the actual approval operations, and functionality reviews. For several enterprises, this particular effort is a pure extendable connected with senior management’s typical routines. It’s very ideal for the actual CIO and his or her personnel to communicate with IT governance using one document which has a visual like the Governance Measures and Matrix. Matrix comes with a path for dealing with every single senior manager’s part and concerns they have. Make choices: Effective governance, including excellent methodology, deals  with possibilities. It isn’t practical for IT governance in order to meet every single goal, although governance can easily and may highlight contradictory aims regarding controversy. While tradeoffs increases, governance gets to be more complex. Top-performing corporations deal with goal fights with a few clear business ideas. As resulting IT ideas reveal these business ideas. Clarify the exception-handling process: Exclusions are usually precisely how establishments study. Within IT language, exceptions challenges this standing quo, particularly the IT architecture and structure. Few requests for pertaining to exceptions are usually frivolous, nevertheless nearly all come from an accurate want to satisfy small business requirements. If the exemption recommended with a business model has value, a change towards the IT architecture might help the entire venture. Provide the right incentives: Incentives should be provided right. a common difficulty we all found throughout the study of IT governance seemed to be a misalignment of motivation along with reward systems with the behaviors the particular IT governance measures had been created to motivate. Assign ownership and accountability for IT: IT governance should have an head and accountabilities. Eventually, board is liable for all governance, however the board will probably expect as well as use outsourcing for an individual (probably CEO and CIO) or collection being to accountable for IT governance design, implementation, and performance—similar towards funding committee or CFO being responsible for economic resource governance. In deciding the best person or group, the board, or CEO while the responsible one. Design governance at multiple organizational levels: In large multi-business device enterprises it is vital to take IT governance into account from numerous levels. The particular starting point can be enterprise-wide IT governance motivated through few enterprise-wide techniques and goals. Companies having independent IT capabilities with partitions, sections, as well as geographies need a independent nevertheless linked section of the IT  governance. Provide transparency and education: It really is virtually unattainable to obtain excessive transparency or education regarding it governance. transparency and education often get together—the a lot more education, the greater visibility, and vice versa. A lot more visibility with the governance processes, the greater self-confidence in the governance. Analysis As by the research these are the following skills and developments that have to be maintained at AgCredit. Acknowledgement associated with company possession is going to be essential towards the organizational framework. Getting the company sign up as well as sign up for the actual discussion about this and associated tasks is going to be a key component. The guiding panel is going to be have to be the main authorization procedure for just about all tasks is required to make certain a good business look at is actually used. The actual multidivisional panel will have to make sure just about all tasks match inside a SOA construction. The actual CIO ought to be active in the boardroom as well as get access to senior administration, such as the CIO. The actual CIO ought to employ older administration that may express departmental as well as company items as well as assist manual IT workers. Accounts supervisors for every LOB which stay in the commercial however are accountable to senior IT administration ought to be set up. The whole IT personnel will have to end up being reassessed to guarantee the correct individuals are within the correct work functions. The actual IT perform will have to end up being introduced position using the business eyesight. one choice is actually to try and market in house with regard to empty IT jobs as well as insource the actual functions which can’t be stuffed. Insourcing may have the actual unique benefit of instruction IT staff whilst getting the task carried out too. Freelancing IT features which are not really primary expertise may also be used in the event that preferred. The guiding panel which signifies numerous LOBs will have to end up being created as well as providing choice producing abilities. The procedure must start through analyzing what sort of task scarves towards the general  eyesight from the organization. Following the actual panel people ought to describe the way the task results their own department and may supply to satisfy departmental requirements if at all possible. It also may need to ensure this suits inside the SOA and it is not really copied through additional software program nodes or even present procedures. If it’s a good improvement or even add-on to a different task, conversation using the consumer to determine possible advantages must start. Ensuring it may be modularized as well as standardised for that company is going to be essential for that organization structures. Furthermore ensuring just about all task kinds are thought as well as financed via a taxes on just about all LOBs may be asked to assist SOA. Manley will have to present these key talents associated with SOA as well as ensure to concentrate on exactly how it will assist the actual company’s vision and objectives. The changeover may easily simplify the business as well as accelerate item execution. Current services is going to be obtainable or even altered with regard to user friendliness. It facilitates internet providers which line up along with constant development possibilities, broadened client associations, as well as capability to cross-sell between your sections. It may instantly provide services for growing sections when it comes to feasible monetary increases as well as extending improvement bucks. Existing providers can be bought as well as put in place rapidly inside the SOA. This particular raises the abilities as well as guarantees all of us remain swept up using the bigger companies. Essentially this could level the actual actively playing area supplying useful assets as well as techniques. Once the client info is actually centralized, that is necessary for SOA, the actual cost savings through decreasing data source requirements is going to be recognized. Having typical procedures may line up the company in general as well as make sure worth through elevated conversation as well as reduced doubt. This type of technologies base might permit the method all of us function to alter, for instance a home based job or even on the highway operating via a VPN. The actual abilities required to assistance the actual SOA in the IT viewpoint tend to be administration resources, information administration  resources, Information shipping choices, improvement series, along with a customer support mindset towards the actual sections. Role clarification is going to be essential within establishing these types of abilities. Administration resources consist of visioning as well as company position procedures, financing techniques, dimension metrics as well as concentrate, as well as checking techniques. Info rmation administration resources consist of selection actions, arrange procedure such as strategies as well as taxonomy, procedure quests to make use of the informaton, and up keep methods which assistance company features. Improvement series should comply with SOA requirements as well as recommendations, utilizing compliant equipment as well as software program to create techniques which break down the actual performance, as well as problem a long with regulating requirements, such as program skills within making reviews with regard to review reasons. The client support mindset is going to be required to handle awareness as well as maintain near scarves using the company. Prior to governance structures tend to be official the actual business as well as divisional vision as well as goals ought to be layed out. By using it operating together with the company a few leading concepts should be drawn up upward. This might include establishing accounts supervisors inside the LOB as well as developing the multidiscipline guiding panel along with substantial choice energy. This particular guiding panel ought to function carefully using the CIO and also have higher level authorization as well as business sponsorship. The actual governance program ought to concentrate on leading the actual change procedure as well as maintaining crucial problems within concentrate, for example sox as well as regulating conformity. Stakeholder participation within the guiding panel can help the company also IT structures turn out to be companions as well as to work together. It will make sure just about all sounds tend to be noticed as well as regarded as within the decision maki ng procedure. They ought to describe plan choices which assistance the actual organization’s vision in early stages. References Arsanjani, A. (2004). Service-oriented modeling and architecture . Retrieved from IBM: BriseBois, r. (2012). What is IT Governance? Retrieved from Hojaji,F., & Shirazi, M. (2012). A Design Science Approach To Develop A New Comprehensive SOA, Governance Framework. International Journal of Managing Information Technology, 4(3), 33-53. doi:10.5121/ijmit.2012.4304 Lutchen, M. (2004). Managing IT As a Business : A Survival Guide for CEOs.(5). Hoboken, N.J.:J.Wiley Mckeen, J. D., & Smith, H. A. (2013). Creating a process driven organization at AgCredit. In Kursh, S., Lant, T., Majeske, K., Oliver, J., & Plant, R. (Eds.), IST 7100 IT policy and strategy Wilmington University (pp. 474-477). United States: Pearson Learning Solutions Nelson & Alok, (2013) Digitally Included: Business-Community Partnerships To Promote the Use of Information and Communication Technologies. (2003) Ross, P. W. (2004, 07 05). Harvard Business School Working Knowledge. Retrieved from Ten Principles for IT Knowledge: http :// Schwalbe, K. (2013). Information Technology Project Management. Cengage Learning. Shank, John K. & Govindarajan, Vijay. (1993). Strategic Cost Management: The New Tool for Competitive Advantage. New York: The Free Press. Tapscott, Don. (1996). Digital Economy: Promise and peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill Thakur, G.C. (1996). What is Reservoir Management? Journal of Petroleum Technology, June, pp. 520-525.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chronology essays

Chronology essays Worlds first democracy in Athens, Greece Rome managed to defeat Carthage for the second time and gain dominance in Mediterranean. Church council began to implement Peace of God Movement. Truth of God prohibited fighting from Saturday afternoon till Monday Church came forth with the statement a Christian who slays another Christian sheds the blood of Christ King Richard of England ordered the beheading of 2700 Muslim prisoners captured during the Crusade European chivalry shaken by violence began with Protestant Reformation. The Thirty Year War involved troops from throughout Europe The Napoleonic Wars, showed deadly power of new military technologies. American Civil War, first modern war. St. Petersburg Declaration, outlawed certain bullets as inhumane. International Peace Conferences at The Hague attempted to come up with rules of war. British and German pilots dropped 100 tons of explosives, killing 7,000 men International effort to stop the development of war power. Germanys, Italian and Japanese rise; the rise of the aggressors. Japan began to invade China. World War II in Europe; all war conducts forgotten, the war had turned into total war. Poland falls victim of the German blitzkreig. Hitler begins to attack Rotterdam. Luftwaffe began towards British airfields and aircraft factories. Japan became allies with Nazi Germany. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children Essays

The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children Essays The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children Essay The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children Essay The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children Dee Whitworth Angelina College Abstract Divorce can have many psychological effects on a child. When a marriage ends in divorce, a child of the marriage may view the divorce the same as if a parent has died. During the period following a parental separation a child may have feelings of denial, anxiety, abandonment, anger, guilt, depression and conflicts of loyalty. Because of the pain and emotional damage the child is sure to suffer, many parents stay in a dysfunctional marriage believing it is the best thing for their child. There are some cases where staying together for the sake of the child can actually be detrimental to the child. A parent can diminish the negative effects of a divorce by supporting and reassuring their children, before, during and after the separation. A parent can rebuild the child’s sense of security by reestablishing stability. If parents do not take the time to address the emotional needs of the child during the process of a divorce, parents can damage their relationship with their child and the emotional development of the child. Keywords: Divorce, Psychological effects, Children Divorce is a stressful time for every member of a family. The psychological effects of a child during this stressful time depend in part on the age of the child and the parents’ ability to control their emotions and to work together to sooth and reassure the child. Hetherington and Stanley-Hagan (1999) believe children in this age group are too young to understand what is happening. Even though these children may not understand what is happening between their parents, they may sense the distress their parents are feeling, and react negatively. According to Cohen (2002), â€Å"Infants and children younger than 3 years may reflect their caregivers’ distress, grief, and preoccupation; they often show irritability, increased crying, fearfulness, separation anxiety, sleep and gastrointestinal problems, aggression, and developmental regression† (p. 1019). The parents of a child in this age group need to work together to foster feelings of security in their child. According to Henning and Oldham (1977), Parents of pre-school hildren that establish consistent routines and reassure their children that they will not be abandoned are able to reestablish a child’s sense of security. Children that are four and five years of age sometimes feel that they are to blame for their parent’s divorce. They feel that if they had not been bad their parents would not be getting divorced. Additionally, children in this age group tend to believe that they can make their parents reconcile by being a good child. According to Henning and Oldham (1977), â€Å"Young children and pre-school children have an incomplete and confused understanding of what has caused such a radical change in the family routine† (p. 55). Cohen (2002) states that â€Å"At 4 to 5 years of age, children often blame themselves for the breakup and parental unhappiness, become more clingy, show externalizing behavior (acting out), misperceive the events of the divorce situation, fear that they will be abandoned, and have more nightmares and fantasies† (p. 1019). It has been implied that boys in this age group have a harder time adjusting to the divorce than young girls. According to Max (1970), the effects of an absent father are felt the most by boys aged four to six. Hetherington and Stanley-Hagen (1999) found that â€Å"Fathers involvement has been found to be greater with sons following divorce and to be more important for the development of boys than of girls† (p. 132). You could argue that the reason for this is because sons get their gender identify from their father, so the loss of a father affects a boy more than it does a girl. Parents can alleviate some of the anxiety of the child by allowing the father access to the child. If it is not possible for the father to maintain a close relationship with the child, due to violence or sexual abuse, the mother should take steps to find a suitable male role model to help her children, like a coach or scout leader (Sugar, 1970, p. 592). Gardner (1977) tells us that children often use a male teacher as a surrogate father figure. Adolescents and teenagers are more likely to openly show their anger toward their parents and become depressed during a divorce. They are more likely to act out by stealing, lying and becoming sexually promiscuous. These behaviors can lead the child to become pregnant or associate with other children who are also displaying delinquent behavior (Hetherington and Stanley-Hagan, 1999, p. 131). Cohen (2002) has stated that â€Å"School-aged children may be moody or preoccupied; show more aggression, temper, and acting out behavior; seem uncomfortable with gender identity; and feel rejected and deceived by the absent parent. School performance may decrease, and they may agonize about their divided loyalties and feel that they should be punished† (p. 1019). Adolescents and teenagers are often torn between their parents and show an alliance to one parent over the other parent. This alliance makes it difficult for the child to talk to one parent without feeling as if they are betraying their loyalty to the other parent. The alliance may also be utilized by the child to manipulate their parent (Henning @ Oldham, 1977, p. 56). Some children in this age group deal with their negative feelings by pulling away from their parents and becoming more independent. Hetherington and Stanley-Hagan (1999) found that â€Å"Some girls actually seem to be enhanced by dealing with the responsibilities, independence, and challenges associated with divorce in a supportive environment† (p. 132). Although some girls do seem to thrive after a divorce, they often grow into young women who set exceptionally high expectations for themselves, but still feel inadequate no matter how much they may accomplish. Although divorce has been found to enhancement some girls, it is rarely found that divorce has enhanced boys (Hetherington @ Stanley-Hagan, 1999, p. 132). Some parents maintain their unhappy marriage because they fear a divorce would negatively affect their child. In some cases, maintaining a turbulent marriage may be more detrimental to a child than an actual divorce (Rosen, 1977, p. 26). Additionally, â€Å"children adjust better in a harmonious single parent household that in an acrimonious two-parent household† (Hetherington @ Stanley-Hagan, 1999, p. 37). This confirms that a child can be negatively affected when parents try to stay together for the sake of the child. Rhona Rosen, M. A. , interviewed 92 children of divorce and found that â€Å"73 children stated in the strongest terms that they would not have chosen to have their parents stay together in conflict† (Rosen, 1977, p. 24). Parents who maintain a combative relationship for the sake of the child are actua lly hurting the child’s psychological development more than if they divorced. Hetherington and Stanley-Hagan (1999) believe â€Å"Children whose parents will later divorce is already showing problems in adjustment many years before the divorce† (p. 133). Children who are well adjusted before divorce are better able to adapt and navigate through the stressful time of divorce. Children who were poorly adjusted before a divorce continue having problems after a divorce and are at greater risk for adjustment problems in later life (Hetherington, 1999, p. 133). A lack of parental communication and guidance causes great distress to a child during a pending divorce. The paramount problem of children during the divorce process is that the adults involved in marital strife are not looking for ways in which to help their children adjust to the transition, but are searching for ways to implement their own personal life readjustment† (Henning @ Oldham, 1977, p. 56). Parents neglect to talk to their child the divorce because they fear giving too much informatio n would be detrimental to the child. This lack of information causes the child to blame themselves for the divorce or to come up with their own explanations for their parent’s divorce, which could be worse than the actual reasons for the divorce. According to Gardner (1977), â€Å"To deprive the children of information regarding the major issues that brought about the divorce can only produce distrust of the parents at a time when they are most in need of a trusting relationship† (p. 4). Couples that have friendly, cooperative relationships do not usually get divorced. When a relationship deteriorates and a couple decides to divorce, and there is a child involved, they need to put aside their hostilities and focus on the needs of the child. A child who is a product of divorce who has loving, supportive, communicative parents is more likely to be happy and social well adjusted. Alternatively, a child who is a product of divorce and has parents who remain combative and hostile is more likely to suffer depression and have dysfunctional relationships throughout their life. References Cohen, G. (2002). Helping Children and Families Deal With Divorce and Separation. American Academy of Pediatrics, 110(6), 1019-1023. Gardner, R. (1977). CHILDREN OF DIVORCE-SOME LEGAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 6(2), 3-6. Henning, J. , Oldham, J. (1977). CHILDREN OF DIVORCE: LEGAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CRISES. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 6(2), 55-58. Hetherington, E. , Stanley-Hagan, M. (1999). The Adjustment of Children with Divorced Parents: A Risk and Resiliency Perspective. Journal of Child Psychology Psychiatry Allied Disciplines, 40(1), 129-140. Rosen, R. (1977). CHILDREN OF DIVORCE: WHAT THEY FEEL ABOUT ACCESS AND OTHER ASPECTS OF THE DIVORCE EXPERIENCE. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 6(2), 24-26. Sugar, M. (1970). CHILDREN OF DIVORCE. Pediatrics, 46(4), 588-595.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Anne Hathaway, Shakespeares Wife

Biography of Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare's Wife William Shakespeare is arguably the most famous writer of all time, but his private life and marriage to Anne Hathaway isnt necessarily well known to the public. Gain more insight into the circumstances that shaped the bards life and possibly his writing  with this biography of Hathaway. Birth and Early Life Hathaway was born circa  1555. She grew up in  a farmhouse in  Shottery, a small village on the outskirts of Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, England.  Her  cottage  remains on the site and has since become a major tourist attraction. Little is known about Hathaway. Her name crops up a few times in historical records, but historians don’t have any real sense of what type of woman she was. Shotgun Marriage Anne Hathaway married William Shakespeare in November 1582. She was 26, and he was 18. The couple lived in  Stratford-upon-Avon,  which is roughly 100 miles northwest of London. It appears the two had a shotgun wedding. Evidently, they  conceived a child out of wedlock and a wedding was arranged despite the fact that marriages were not traditionally performed at that time of year. The couple would go on to have a total of  three children (two daughters, one son). Special permission had to be asked from the Church, and friends and family had to financially guarantee the wedding and sign a surety for  £40- a huge sum in those days. Some historians believe that the marriage was an unhappy one and the couple was forced together by the pregnancy. Although there is no evidence to support this, some historians go as far as to suggest that Shakespeare  left for London to escape the day-to-day pressures of his unhappy marriage. This is, of course, wild speculation. Did Shakespeare  Run Away to London? We know that William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for most of his adult life. This has led to speculation about the state of his  marriage to Hathaway. Broadly, there are two camps of thought: The Failed Marriage: Some speculate that a difficult marriage in Stratford-upon-Avon compelled the young William to seek his fortune away from home. London would have been many days ride  and was perhaps welcome escape for William who was trapped by a shotgun wedding and children. Indeed, there is evidence (although scant) that William was unfaithful while in London, and would compete with his business partner for the attention of London’s women.The Loving Marriage: If the above is true, it does not explain why William kept such close ties with the town. It seems he regularly returned to share his new-found wealth with Anne and his children. Land investments in the Stratford-upon-Avon area also prove that he planned to retire to the town once his working life in London finished. Children Six months after the marriage, their first daughter Susanna was born. Twins, Hamnet and Judith soon followed in 1585. Hamnet died at age 11, and  four years later Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, a play that may have been inspired by the grief of losing his son.   Death Anne Hathaway outlived her husband. She died Aug. 6,  1623. She is buried next to Shakespeare’s grave inside Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. Like her husband, she has an inscription upon her tomb, some of which is written in Latin: Here lyeth the body of Anne  wife of William Shakespeare who departed this life the 6th day of August 1623 being of the age of 67 years. Breasts, O mother, milk and life thou didst give. Woe is me- for how great a boon shall I give stones? How much rather would I pray that the good angel should move the stone so that, like Christs body, thine image might come forth! But my prayers are unavailing. Come quickly, Christ, that my mother, though shut within this tomb may rise again and reach the stars.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Financial Stability Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Financial Stability - Term Paper Example Therefore, global financial stability entails smooth operations of the financial institutions and global markets in conjunction with the global economy. Therefore, to determine a global financial stability balance of payments would help in providing information of an interpedently economy. Balance of payments Balance of payments is records of all financial transactions that are made between businesses, the American government and the consumers with people across the rest of the world. The figure in balance of payments explains the amount being spent by the consumers of a particular country and firms on imported goods and services (Choi, 2009). It also entails the degree of success the firms in a particular nation in terms of exports to other countries and markets. This is an essential measure of the United States economic performance worldwide. Karmakar (2010) suggests that a balance of payments gives information about the economic interdependence of a particular economy with foreign countries. It records the value of all transactions among residents and foreign persons for a given duration. Exports and investments are recorded as positive or alternative surplus items while imports or other deployments of capital in foreign countries are registered as negative or deficit entries. These payments relate to the United States banking growth in that when there is a crisis on balance of payments it might result into a banking crisis overseas. This happens when the economic growth is below the normal status (Choi, 2009). Both crises are preceded by great recessions, hence, this is worsening to trade sector and an overestimated exchange price and the rising cost of credit. In addition, this will have a hard hit on the countries’ exports resulting into a financial shock to the financial institutions. The balance of payments statements are used by the United States banks to interpret information thus enhancing better performances since the information from the sta tements is used to make appropriate financial decisions that control the monetary policy of the country’s economy. Banks overseas have a financial account, where any charges in assets and liabilities are recognized as foreign assets (Stern, 2006). The two possible entries to this entail the export capital, which emerges to an increase in assets or reduction in the external liabilities. On the other hand, the United States capital imports point to decrease in receivables and increase in external liabilities. This would enhance bank growth overseas due to the presence of more liquid cash in overseas banks resulting into a more stable financial base thus enhancing activities such as loan borrowing with competent interest rates .This increases the growth and development of the financial institutions such as banks since there is sufficient capital for development. The main balance of payments of a bank is also a portion of the balance of capital transfers account. In this case, th e balance shows funding to a statistical adjust in the outstanding stock on net foreign assets (Choi, 2009). The balance of payments is considered as one of the major indicators of the United States level of economic growth and this has a positive influence in the banking industry overseas. Consequently, it has the potential to control the rates of free-floating currencies since

Friday, October 18, 2019

Recommendation and Implementation plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Recommendation and Implementation plan - Essay Example tablished by Market Research that the Customer buying is influenced by Quality of the Diamond, Retailers Goodwill in the market, knowledge and honesty of the Salesperson and recommendation of family and friends, in that order. Perception of Brands is curiously absent from the customer’s perspective and a strategy needs to be devised as a unique selling point (USP) of Canadian ArcticTM. Diamonds are expensive products and it is recommended that Market Segmentation is done for the US market where the company wishes to market it product. It has been observed that there are four kinds of potential buyers in the market viz., Baby Boomers (37-55 years/78 million), Generation X (25-36 years/45 million), Generation Y (18-24/71 million) Gifters, Self Gifters, and Retailers. Of these the Baby Boomers are wealthy and lovers of luxuries but demand value for money. As opposed to this the Gen X and Y spend less on luxuries but are impulsive spenders. The Gifters are casual buyers and the Retailers buy for mostly promoting their own private brands. Next emphasis should be placed on the areas where marketing efforts should be concentrated. It has been observed that maximum sales take place in California and New York with Texas a distant third. The number of outlets also follows the same pattern. It is therefore desirable to concentrate more on these areas as they will provide the maximum turnover. In these territories, particularly in the high exposure retail showrooms, the company should participate in Trade shows and offer retailer and salesperson promotion kits. They should also get celebrity sponsors to endorse the product for value effect. Similarly advertisements should be carried in glossy and glamour magazines which have high percentage of circulation among the wealthier population. Strategic Marketing Plans will not be of much use unless there is a solid implementation process in place. It is imperative that the amount of $ 300,000 is well spent. It has been seen

Further Computer Systems Achitecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Further Computer Systems Achitecture - Essay Example In order to overcome the limitations met by traditional architectures, IA-64 used a technique called predication where it could indicate which paths are being utilized and which are not. The paths that are in use proceed with their activity while paths detected as unused would be automatically turned off. Predication is an effective technique that allows the handling of complex activities when the computer pursues aggressive instruction level parallelism (ILP).2 Memory insufficiency is a common problem that traditional architecture cannot address because CPU’s run on faster speeds than usual. IA-64 resolves the problem by using a technique referred to as speculation.3 The purpose of this is to initiate loads of previous memory initiations even before the branch is required. This makes the memory available on demand. This also increases instruction level parallelism thus reducing the â€Å"impact of memory latency†.4 The â€Å"Nat† bits allow IA-64 to load data ahead of time without registering an error message.5 Traditional architectures have limited instruction level parallelism. In IA-64 architecture, processors usually include â€Å"128 general purpose integer registers, 128 floating point registers, 64 predicate registers and many execution units† to accommodate present and future requirements.6 This is especially important if the server handles huge amount of data at any given time. IA-64 architecture handles loops different from traditional architecture. The use of register rotation prevents code bloats by allowing the â€Å"pipelining of loops.†7 Unlike traditional architecture, each register moves up a notch. The last register will revert back to the beginning hence simulating rotation. In combination with the predication, the loop feature enables the compiler to create a loop code that is important in highly parallel forms.8 To further

Music Censorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music Censorship - Essay Example There are two sides on this issue, there those supporting and others opposing music censorship. At this point, the main question that lingers in many is what action transcends from the consumer matter to the censorship matter. A study carried out by Rabkin (2002) indicates that, censorship plays a fundamental role to the American government. One of the issues involving music censorship is at what age is appropriate for children to listen and watch music that is profanity. Following this, this paper affirm that parents and governments should not desist their children from listening to music, because as they do that, they deny them from grasping what’s happening in the society. It is worth noting that, music may serve as a purpose of motivation, or be used for moral, military, religious, or political reasons. These ideas may augment critical thinking and encouragement to many who are wounded by life experiences and encourage those desiring to achieve their dreams. It may express aspirations and hopes thus, promote a desirable society. Music is free expression of thoughts and ideas thus no one should be stopped from expressing his or her thoughts. Countries like China, Sudan, and Afghanistan comprehend the need of breach of musician’s rights to the freedom of expression in music (Szurek, 2008). However, other countries like Algeria and USA keep off popular music in the concert stage and out of the retail and media. In ex-Yugoslavia, musicians encounter challenges as their freedom of free expression has much been affected (Dahir, 1995). Many nations fail to regard music as the therapy to life and instead see it as vulgarity and cursing. However, this is not the case in most cases as some songs are just ridiculous and funny and they create a platform to understand how the world is. Those in support of music censorship believe that children are not mature people to listen and watch music with profanity.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Solar Collector mirror Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Solar Collector mirror - Research Paper Example Conduction with copper heats the water passing through the pipe. Mirror is bent by heating it. Attempting to bend mirror at too low heating would cause it to break whereas too much heating makes mirror melt and disfigure rather than being bent. Before, heating, the mirror is polished and cleaned good enough to make any dust particle invisible to the naked eye. After the mirror is cleaned, it is painted with a mix of detergent, clay, and calcium carbonate to prevent it sticking with the steel bracket when it gets hot. Exciting the silica molecules can take up to three hours before the mirror starts to bend when placed over the bracket and heated (Dinh, 2011). After the mirror has been bent, it is allowed time to cool down in a process called annealing that usually takes up to two hours to complete. If the mirror is allowed to cool down too quickly, the internal stresses built up during heating may cause it to

Best Practices in Teaching Styles to Motivate ESL Students Essay

Best Practices in Teaching Styles to Motivate ESL Students - Essay Example Diverse research studies have been conducted in various fields of endeavor – from human behavioral courses in organizations to educational modules in traditional and ESL learning settings. There have been motivational theories that have evolved through time and aimed to determine which among the motivational factors facilitate or hinder the process of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). From a review of literature developed on the subject, there were studies that specifically aimed to determine the effectiveness of the motivational strategies in enhancing the academic performance and understanding of ESL students (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008; Chen, Warden, & Chang, 2005; Lamb, 2007). After identifying the most effective factors, from the perspectives of students, the role of educators would be to put into practice these strategies that have been proven to be the most effective in facilitating ESL learning, on the premise that the most contemporary factors influencing the learning environment are taken into consideration. Briefly, the motivational factors that were identified to facilitate ESL learning are teachers’ style or methods, in conjunction with use of praise and acknowledgment (Lamb, 2007); instructional interventions applied by teachers (where 25 observational variables measuring the teachers’ motivational practices include: social chat, group work, effective praise, and tangible reward, among others (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008, pp. 63-64); and group dynamics and group cohesiveness (Chang, 2010); among others. The teacher’s instructional approach is therefore crucial; but the ability of the teacher to gauge the students’ motivating drives must be of paramount concern in order for them to effectively apply motivating factors that facilitate, rather than inhibit, ESL learning. The 25 observational variables noted by Guilloteaux & Dornyei (2008) provides the conceptual framework for the current study, which at tempts to investigate the best teaching practices applied in an ESL course. These variables measuring the teachers’ motivational practice are enumerated below: 1. Social Chat 13. Pair Work 2. Signposting 14. Tangible Reward 3. Stating the Communicative Purpose or 15. Personalization Utility of the Activity 16. Element of Interest, Creativity, 4. Establishing Relevance Fantasy 5. Promoting Integrative Values 17. Intellectual Challenge 6. Promoting Instrumental Values 18. Tangible Task Product 7. Arousing Curiosity or Attention 19. Individual Competition 8. Scaffolding 20. Team Competition 9. Promoting Cooperation 21. Neutral Feedback 10. Promoting Autonomy 22. Process Feedback 11. Referential Questions 23. Elicitation of Self or Peer Correction 12. Group Work 24. Effective Praise 25. Class Applause Source: Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008, pp. 63-64 Research Questions The study would therefore be guided by the following research questions: 1. Which among the 25 variables are deemed most effective to motivate ESL students in contemporary settings? 2. What performance measures would significantly gauge the effectiveness of the best teaching strategies and approaches that motivate

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Music Censorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music Censorship - Essay Example There are two sides on this issue, there those supporting and others opposing music censorship. At this point, the main question that lingers in many is what action transcends from the consumer matter to the censorship matter. A study carried out by Rabkin (2002) indicates that, censorship plays a fundamental role to the American government. One of the issues involving music censorship is at what age is appropriate for children to listen and watch music that is profanity. Following this, this paper affirm that parents and governments should not desist their children from listening to music, because as they do that, they deny them from grasping what’s happening in the society. It is worth noting that, music may serve as a purpose of motivation, or be used for moral, military, religious, or political reasons. These ideas may augment critical thinking and encouragement to many who are wounded by life experiences and encourage those desiring to achieve their dreams. It may express aspirations and hopes thus, promote a desirable society. Music is free expression of thoughts and ideas thus no one should be stopped from expressing his or her thoughts. Countries like China, Sudan, and Afghanistan comprehend the need of breach of musician’s rights to the freedom of expression in music (Szurek, 2008). However, other countries like Algeria and USA keep off popular music in the concert stage and out of the retail and media. In ex-Yugoslavia, musicians encounter challenges as their freedom of free expression has much been affected (Dahir, 1995). Many nations fail to regard music as the therapy to life and instead see it as vulgarity and cursing. However, this is not the case in most cases as some songs are just ridiculous and funny and they create a platform to understand how the world is. Those in support of music censorship believe that children are not mature people to listen and watch music with profanity.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Best Practices in Teaching Styles to Motivate ESL Students Essay

Best Practices in Teaching Styles to Motivate ESL Students - Essay Example Diverse research studies have been conducted in various fields of endeavor – from human behavioral courses in organizations to educational modules in traditional and ESL learning settings. There have been motivational theories that have evolved through time and aimed to determine which among the motivational factors facilitate or hinder the process of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). From a review of literature developed on the subject, there were studies that specifically aimed to determine the effectiveness of the motivational strategies in enhancing the academic performance and understanding of ESL students (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008; Chen, Warden, & Chang, 2005; Lamb, 2007). After identifying the most effective factors, from the perspectives of students, the role of educators would be to put into practice these strategies that have been proven to be the most effective in facilitating ESL learning, on the premise that the most contemporary factors influencing the learning environment are taken into consideration. Briefly, the motivational factors that were identified to facilitate ESL learning are teachers’ style or methods, in conjunction with use of praise and acknowledgment (Lamb, 2007); instructional interventions applied by teachers (where 25 observational variables measuring the teachers’ motivational practices include: social chat, group work, effective praise, and tangible reward, among others (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008, pp. 63-64); and group dynamics and group cohesiveness (Chang, 2010); among others. The teacher’s instructional approach is therefore crucial; but the ability of the teacher to gauge the students’ motivating drives must be of paramount concern in order for them to effectively apply motivating factors that facilitate, rather than inhibit, ESL learning. The 25 observational variables noted by Guilloteaux & Dornyei (2008) provides the conceptual framework for the current study, which at tempts to investigate the best teaching practices applied in an ESL course. These variables measuring the teachers’ motivational practice are enumerated below: 1. Social Chat 13. Pair Work 2. Signposting 14. Tangible Reward 3. Stating the Communicative Purpose or 15. Personalization Utility of the Activity 16. Element of Interest, Creativity, 4. Establishing Relevance Fantasy 5. Promoting Integrative Values 17. Intellectual Challenge 6. Promoting Instrumental Values 18. Tangible Task Product 7. Arousing Curiosity or Attention 19. Individual Competition 8. Scaffolding 20. Team Competition 9. Promoting Cooperation 21. Neutral Feedback 10. Promoting Autonomy 22. Process Feedback 11. Referential Questions 23. Elicitation of Self or Peer Correction 12. Group Work 24. Effective Praise 25. Class Applause Source: Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008, pp. 63-64 Research Questions The study would therefore be guided by the following research questions: 1. Which among the 25 variables are deemed most effective to motivate ESL students in contemporary settings? 2. What performance measures would significantly gauge the effectiveness of the best teaching strategies and approaches that motivate

For Academic Purpose - Ceo Speech to Prospective Investors Essay Example for Free

For Academic Purpose Ceo Speech to Prospective Investors Essay It is my utmost pleasure to be able to welcome you here today in Tek Comfort Zone (ITZ) General Investors and Prospective Investors Quarterly meeting. Tek Comfort Zone is the Caribbean premier producer of ostentatious â€Å"State of the Art Furniture† with electronic built-in and plug-ins accessories that provides superior comfort and quality solutions through custom design, manufacturing, installation and support. Our fast growing clients include Five Stars Hotels, business tycoons, celebrities and a host of others in the SHOW BIZZ. TCZ does not only strive to maintain its leading position as Caribbean â€Å"N ° 1† State of the Art Furniture† Producer, but also to expand in novelty and quality that steers a higher level of customer satisfaction alongside profit maximization. This whole process has involved an integration of mission, objectives, implementation and evaluation; a proper time, cost, quality and human resources management: and a critical maintenance of all forms of motivations. The company is made up of 45 staff members. Briefly, it is headed by a CEO, with two Directors (Director of Production and Director of Budget) answerable to him. They direct the two sectors of the company (Production and Budget). The Budget sector has two managers (Purchase Manager and Sales Manager) answerable to the Director of Budget. Immediately under the Purchase Manager is the Accounting Supervisor, and directly under the Sales Manager is the Sales Supervisor. The Sales Supervisor oversees six employers while the Account Supervisor has five employees under his control. Meanwhile in the Production Sector only one manager (Manufacturing Manager) is answerable to the Director of Productions. Directly under the Manufacturing Manager are the Inventory Supervisor and Operations Supervisor. The Inventory Supervisor oversees 10 employees while the Operations Supervisor supervises 14 employees. This well structured organizational flow is mindful of effective communications, job duplications, conflict and other factors that can affect a team spirit and job dexterity. Dear investors as a result of this strategy, TCZ has grown substantially faster than the global â€Å"State Of The Arts Furniture† market. While the global market as a whole grew just 5%, ours increased by 13%. An important source of revenue, the delivery of unrivalled bed, mattress and electronics charges, increased 18%, although the market saw a 1% decrease. Our pro-forma operating margin improved to 28. 3%, an increase of half a percentage point. We took additional market share away from our direct competitors in the ‘State of Arts Furniture’ market, gaining one percentage point year-on-year, which takes us to a market share of approximately 21%. We thus sell approximately two and a half times more unrivaled electronic beds and, mattress than our nearest competitor, who had been the leading producer for 18 years, before we ever dominated the market Our main competitor is the ABC State of Arts Furniture Ltd. They are the longest in the market and have dominated the premier role for 18 years. They are known for quantity and timely delivery. Unlike our competitors we added other important ingredients such as quality, novelty and frequent customer satisfaction research. This accounted for why we have emerged as the leading company in the market for the past five years. Our few years of existence in the market would have attracted fear and false judgements from prospective investors against our maturity, stability and long-term success and survival. Without any doubt I can assure you that we are on the right path. How? Before our company could even kick off, we had carefully learned from the errors of others who have been in business many years before us. We carefully analysed their strengths and weaknesses. For example we learned never to preach what we cannot live by (meaning our quality must match our propaganda). This is the root of loss of public confidence. We also learned that a strategy should not be considered only because of its promises in the short-term goals, but also because of its sustainability and expansions in the long-term. Importantly, we quickly learned the art of satisfying the consumer with quality and quantity goods and services with a maximisation of profit. And finally we also learned to provide investors with a consistent report of accountability and transparency on every level of attainment of the business. This gives our investors a true sense of ownership in the business. Dear prospective investor, without your investment, ICZ would have just been another brilliant idea. Your choice to invest in into this company is what has made the idea a reality. We not encourage you to maintain your investments, but also to expand them. To our prospective investors, TCZ is the fertile ground for your investment. Grab this opportunity heartily. Your fears should not ponder about the success of the company. Rather the fear should be whether the investment recruiting conditions presently would be stricter since many investors show interest to our company’s philosophy and operations. The investors screening process may become more critical as many investors would Finally to the entire TCZ, may we together applaud our selfless and one-minded efforts that have brought us thus far.